Shipwrecked Mf creampie deepthroat

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

January 16, 2015

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Chapter 84: Two Scavengers and a Baby

Chapter Cast:

Kal, Male, 37
- Narrator, disaster survivor and castaway
- 6'1, 190lbs, straight, shoulder-length dark-brown hair
Kate, Female, 36
- pre-disaster wife of Kal
- 5'8, 150lbs, pale skin, shoulder-length curly red hair
Nina, Female, 26
- pre-disaster triad with Kate and Kal
- 5'4, 115lbs, light-brown tanned skin, straight shoulder-length brown hair
Bailey, Female, 14
- Disaster survivor and castaway
- 5'4, 125lbs, golden-brown tanned skin, shoulder-length light yellow-brown sun-streaked hair
Keekah, Female, 15
- daughter of Manu, sister of Hakee and Mie, cousin of Poln
- 5'5, 135lbs, mocha-brown skin, waist-length mostly-straight black hair
Gale, Female, 43
- Survivor on Island of the Phoenix
- 5'5, 130lbs, dark tanned skin, waist-length dark reddish-brown hair
Manu, Female, 32
- Survivor from Hahonoko, mother of Keekah, Hakee, and Mie, aunt of Poln
- 5'5, 150lbs, mocha-brown skin, butt-length straight black hair
Hakee, Female, 18
- Survivor from Hahonoko, daughter of Manu, sister of Keekah and Mie, cousin of Poln
- 5'9, 150lbs, mocha-brown skin, butt-length straight black hair
Mie, Female, 12
- Survivor from Hahonoko, daughter of Manu, sister of Keekah and Hakee, cousin of Poln
- 4'8, 90lbs, mocha-brown skin, shoulder-length wavy black hair
Poln, Male, 10
- Survivor from Hahonoko, nephew of Manu, cousin of Keekah, Hakee, and Mie
- 4'8, 105lbs, mocha-brown skin, short, wavy dark-brown hair
Hona, Female, 29
- Survivor from Hahonoko, friend of Manu
- 5'2, 155lbs, dark-brown skin, shoulder-length wavy dark-brown hair
Tok, Male, 35
- Survivor from Hahonoko, friend of Manu
- 6'3, 205lbs, brown skin, shoulder-length wavy dark-brown hair
Amy, Female, 16
- Stowaway from California
- 5'6, 120lbs, pale skin, shoulder-length straight black hair

I knew when I woke in the darkness with cramps in my arms that it was going to be a rough night. We were packed together, and it took some effort to slip out of bed without disturbing anyone. I couldn't lay any longer without pain, needed to work out the knots in my muscles, so I slipped out and sat around the smoldering coals. I'd forgotten to grab the bag of pills, so I scooped those up and took a muscle relaxer and a painkiller.

I grabbed a towel and went down towards the water, slowly massaging my arms as I stood listening to the water. It was a cool night, clear, calm breeze slowly moving in from the South. I guessed it had to be after midnight, but I'd not yet recovered my ability to tell time based on the position of stars.

My towel spread, I sat gingerly, waiting for the pills to kick in. An arm slipped around my shoulder, startling me. Bailey said, “sorry, didn't mean to scare you.” She was holding Katie in her arms.

“No problem. What are you doing up?”

“Normal these days. Katie wakes me up several times a night. When she's fussy, I like to feed her and walk around by the water. Makes us both feel good.”

“There's room if you want to sit.” I straightened the large towel and made space for Bailey to join me. She handed me Katie and sat, leaning against me as I stroked my infant daughter's hair. “I still can't say enough how much it means that you named her after Kate. I know it means a lot to her, to me as well.”

Bailey leaned her head onto my shoulder, replied, “it just fits, I guess. The hair was the first thing I noticed. Just thought of what you'd told me about Kate. I wanted her name to mean something. I never thought you'd get to see her, to know her.”

“I still can't believe it, Bailey. That we have a child. It hasn't really hit home.”

“It will. It took me a few days, but now... it's like I've always had her to care for.” Bailey sighed, “I love being her mother, Kal. I really do. Thank you for that.”

“I didn't have much to do with it, other than making love with you on the right night.”

“It's more than that. I mean all of the things you've done to make my life wonderful. All this could have gone so badly, when I washed up here. But you cared about me, helped me survive, helped me to know love. I feel so strong when you're around, confident.”

I kissed her head, Katie sleeping against my chest. “That was always in you, Bailey. I just got lucky enough to watch it happen, to be there to see you become a young woman. And you're right,” I wrapped an arm around Bailey's shoulder, “it could have been awful. We got lucky. The things we found on the beach, Keekah, Gale, the boat. I don't know how we'd have survived without the lucky breaks we've had.”

We were silent a moment, then Bailey giggled. “Remember the first thing we ate here?”

I thought about those first few days. “Rose petals. And drink mix. God, that stuff was sickeningly sweet, but so, so good.”

“Yeah. I can still taste it. Oh, they claimed it was 'orange' or 'grape' or 'cherry' but all I tasted was sweet and tart.” Bailey held my hand against her shoulder. “We've come a long way, Kal. In so many ways.”

“In so many ways.”

- - -

We had sat together an hour or so, relaxing, finally talking like we so often did before I was kidnapped. It was the first time since returning that I started to feel like I was part of the island again. Part of Bailey's life. It had taken a couple of days, to feel out some things, to overcome the emotions of our reunion. But sitting in that cool, salty air, Bailey and Katie close to me, that was the moment I felt whole again.

Well, other than the growing ache in my back.

The muscle relaxers and pain pills helped me get back to sleep, but it was restless and uncomfortable. Well before dawn, I rose with Bailey and got the fire going while she fed Katie and walked down near the surf. Even building the fire took more effort than it should have. Bending over, and especially picking anything up, caused me to groan involuntarily. I popped more pills and resigned myself to the fact that I couldn't go back to work on the fallen tree that day.

I crabbed while Bailey built up the fire more soundly and put a large pot of water on to boil. There'd been pounds of coffee in the food in the crates, most of it brewing grounds, but some instant, as well. Bailey made me the former and brought me a steaming cup after putting Katie into her swing.

Once the pills kicked in, I was better able to manage pulling in the skittish crabs. I'd lost three or four due to trying to move to quickly, or jerking the string as a muscle seized. Once the mellow combination finally hit my system again, I pulled in half-a-dozen of good size, and another three or four which would be ripped apart and thrown into a stew later.

The sun started to peak over the Eastern horizon as I washed the crabs then dropped them into the boiling water. Kate, Amy, and Keekah were bathing and relieving themselves as I sipped coffee and pulled steaming crabs out of the pot. Bailey fed Katie, humming to herself and the infant. I couldn't quite catch the tune, but it sounded soft and lovely coming from the teen's throat.

The others joined us just in time to serve the platter of crabs.

“This place is paradise. Crabs for breakfast!”

“Told you,” I said, smiling at her. “Dig in!”

As we tore into the delicious crab meat, I said, “not going to be able to make it back up the stream today. My back and arms can't take it. I'll have to pick it up tomorrow. Anyone have a plan yet for today?”

Amy spoke up, “I wanted to take Kate on the scavenge. Gale didn't show them that end of the beach, thought she'd like to see it.”

I nodded. “Great idea. It's pretty down there, a bit different once you round the bend. The beach is more narrow, some different bushes and such along the line of trees. Hope you find something interesting!”

Keekah said, “tubers need cut and dried, make flour. I do that.”

I nodded again. “Bailey, you up for working on the things that need shuffled around in storage with all the new boxes and crates? I'd help, but right now, I don't think I can do much lifting. Something you can do?”

She raised an eyebrow, “Implying I'm fragile and weak?”

“Didn't mean that, Kitten, just...”

“Kidding, Kal. Of course, I'll get on it after I get Katie put to bed.”

“I, uh... I was thinking maybe I could work on the screens and blankets, maybe keep Katie with me today?”

Bailey smiled, said, “that would be nice. Just get me when she's hungry, ok?”

“How do I know she's hungry?”

“She'll get fidgety. Same as when she needs a diaper change. Or a burp. I dunno how I know when she's hungry, I just know.”

“So... I'll get you if she gets fidgety.”


“Got it.”

- - -

It was much easier to patch the blankets than to work on the screens. There were piece of wood that Tok had cut to make frames, and it took some dextrous fingers to get the screen set in just right while snapping everything into place. I got them done, but I felt clumsy throughout. The three of us ate lunch together, gazing down the beach to see if Amy and Kate might return.

They'd taken the raft and plenty of food and water with them, planned to take their time and have lunch somewhere shady. Keekah, Bailey, and I munched on the last of the green peppers and a handful of the milder spicy peppers, as well as more of the tuber bread. I was still hungry and asked Keekah about the porridge Hakee had made for breakfast a couple of days before.

“Ah. I bring.” Keekah returned from storage with a small pot, a wooden spoon, a container holding a rough, grainy flour, and a few baggies of spices. “Boil with water, salt, sweetroot, vanilla.” Sweetroot was what we called the beet-like bulb that was red and sweet, but tasted nothing like beets, more like a rosemary and carrot.

The water boiling, Keekah showed me how much to mix for each of us to have a serving, quickly making the porridge and scraping the pot onto our plates. I ate it quickly, the hot gruel sweet and satisfying despite the way the sun had broken through the clouds and poured heat onto our bodies.

Filled finally, I checked on Katie. She'd been the opposite of fussy for me that morning and early afternoon, only waking once to squirm a bit. I'd picked her up, sang softly to her, and she'd fallen back asleep.

I worked on the rest of the blankets, using my foot to rock Katie in her swing. I caught Bailey leaning against the wrecked boat, watching me with a warm smile on her face. She went back to working on shifting around our supplies and making notes in her journal.

I'd forgotten about all the work she'd done to catalogue plants and animals and other vital facts about the island. I made a mental note to ask her about it.

Katie stirred and squirmed. I put down the last blanket, half finished with sewing a patch, and picked up my daughter. I held her in front of me a moment, looked into her eyes. Katie smiled at me, and I saw Bailey's grin in that face. I laughed it felt so good. I swear Katie laughed with me.

And then the smell of a dirty diaper blasted into the moment, and I could only laugh again. I carried her to Bailey, said, “this is gonna sound stupid, but I'm not sure what to do about a dirty diaper.”

Bailey looked amused, “not really that difficult... but I'll show you. Here, give her to me a second.”

She showed me the changing table in our cabin, walked me through taking off the diaper, setting it aside, then wiping, cleaning Katie. She used some of the baby powder which had come from Papeete before putting a fresh cloth binding around the infant. Bailey handed Katie back to me and showed me where the cloth diapers were cleaned and pinned up to dry on the far side of the boat.

I thanked Bailey and returned with my daughter to finish the blanket.

- - -

I was almost snoozing when Amy and Kate came back to camp. I held Katie in the sling against my chest, my daughter sleeping silently. I smiled at the women, sat lazily as they dragged the raft back up from the waterline. Amy disappeared a moment while Kate urinated down the beach. The sixteen-year old returned with a joint and a lighter, fired it up, offered it to me.

I paused, looked down at Katie. “I'll pass this time, don't want to blow smoke on her.”

“Oh, right. Sorry.” She moved a few feet away and made sure to exhale in a way which sent her smoke out of Katie's direction.

Kate came back, took the joint from Amy, and toked it.

“So what did you find?”

Amy looked excited, got up and started pulling items from the raft. There were several sheets of thick, pliable plastic, some of them ripped, all of them a cloudy-blue color. There were balls of fishing line, a few hooks and weights still attached. Even those tangled messes found a use on the island. Amy showed me more of the broken wooden planks that we found often, always useful. A dozen plastic bottles of assorted sizes, two more of glass. A two-foot section of twisted wire mesh. An old shower liner.

There was a good-sized plastic package of candles, something Freya had thought to bring a good supply of from Tahiti, but we could never have too many.

All good stuff, but I didn't understand Amy's excited expression until she pulled out the globe. It was one of those standard basketball-sized, water-is-blue, land-is-green-and-brown ones of the Earth, still attached to its corroded stand. Parts of it had become worn as it soaked in the saltwater on its journey to the island, but it still held a mostly-spherical shape. As someone who always had a love of globes and maps, I thought it was a pretty neat find, and clearly, so did Amy.

“Can we put it in the common room? That's where we've been doing lessons. I can teach the kids geography, now!”

“I don't see why not. Great find, you two.”

“Uh, let's see, oh, forgot this.”

Amy pulled out an unopened bottle of Mountain Dew. The label was long gone, but the cap and the eerie glow made it obvious what was inside. Kate said, “you're favorite, Kal. Haven't seen any of that since the ship blew up. Probably worth more than gold.”

I actually think I salivated. I'd never been a big soda fan, but when I did want to enjoy one, there was nothing like the sickeningly sweet caffeine injection known as Mountain Dew. Despite the way my mouth longed for that flavor, I said, “Let's save it. Share it with the others when they come back.”

Kate nodded as Amy put it beside her chair and took the joint back from Kate. “The island's changed a bit since I was last down there, Kal,” Amy told me. “The beach is torn up once you go around the bend and get on to the next corner. Couple of spots have almost no sand. But there is a new sandbar which formed a few dozen yards out from that corner. There were dolphins playing around it. We ate lunch in the trees and watched them a while.”

“It was lovely, Kal. Just lovely. This place is really special.” Kate was quickly becoming enamored with the paradise she never expected to find.

Amy continued, “noticed that there are some bushes I've never seen before, I'll have to ask Bailey about them. Got these little white flowers all over. Gotta be several dozen yards of bushes, thick with them.”

“If anyone knows,” I said, “Bailey would. There she is.”

“It took all day, but everything is finally sorted.” Bailey took a seat near me, smiling at me and our child. “What would I know about?”

Amy described the bushes and Bailey went to get her notebook. She opened to the section reserved for bushes and shrubs, pawed through pages of colorful drawings and densely-packed descriptions. “Big round leaves? Like, how round?” It was fun to watch Amy and Bailey interact. They both had minds that craved discovery, nature, science. Between them, they went back and forth a moment before Bailey declared, “nope, not in here. Maybe I can go take a look really quick tomorrow. Kal, could you watch Katie again?”

Despite needing to get back to the fallen tree, I jumped on any excuse to spend another day with Katie. “Absolutely. My back's not going to be up to the tree anyway, and it's been... really nice.” I stroked Katie's head absently, felt her breath on my chest.

“Great. We'll go early in case you want to try the tree again, anyway.”

“Take your time.” I turned Katie slightly, looked at her innocent face, said, “I think I need a few days like this. I really like being a father. Never thought I'd say that, but I know it's true.”

Bailey was almost misty watching. I knew it meant a lot to her for me to be back, to be in her life, but it meant as much that I was there for Katie, that I wanted her with me. It was in that moment that it felt real to me, being a dad. It all clicked, and the tiny person in my arms would get all the attention and love I could give her.

Even Kate looked like she might cry. I felt warm, holding Katie, closed my eyes again, and just sat there, quietly, listening to the wind in the trees and the rushing pulse of waves on the sand.

- - -

Keekah had spent most of the day working on batches of tubers in various states of preparation. While Bailey fed Katie, I went to check on the dark-skinned teen. The common room had gotten a lot of updates.

There was a large counter built into the back wall near where the water was run in over a wooden bowl with a drain which served as a sink. Built-in shelves along one wall had little mementos on them, dried flowers tied with a ribbon, one of Amy's drawings, a poem written in Bailey's hand. Some held our books, many of which Bailey had just put up there earlier that day.

There were also some of the primitive tables Tok had built along another wall, that day serving as drying space for the tubers. Some needed only another day or two to be ready to pound into a rough flour, others still glistened with a touch of moisture from where Keekah had sliced them up and left them to dry. From batches prepared earlier, Keekah had pounded enough to fill a large burlap sack with flour, of which we made our flat bread, thickened our soups, and sometimes was used to make a dish somewhat resembling thin pancakes of mashed potatoes. It was one of Hona's favorites, and when fried in oil from one of the salty little fish, it could be a very tasty treat.

I was happy to see the way those tubers had become a big part of our diet. Gale had worked so hard on them before we found her without much luck, and even after, they'd taken expertise from others to get them to thrive. But the tubers had exceeded expectations once the conditions were right, densely packing their sections of the fields and often sending runners out into the other planting areas nearby.

Keekah scooped out about a pound of flour and told me she was making bread that evening.

“Great. I'm going to pull in a few shellfish, think I'll fry them up with onions and squash, maybe have them with some bread?”

Keekah agreed that would work, and we headed back to the fire to get started on the meal.

I waded out with Amy and Kate, Bailey taking Katie on a walk, the girl a bit fussy. It was a lot of work to have a baby. A lot more to survive. I was so proud of how maturely and seriously Bailey had taken to both responsibilities.

In little more than a half-hour, we had enough scallops and oysters to fill our bellies. Keekah had already made several discs of the flatbread in the skillet, and I grabbed a large pot to use for the main course.

I fried the onions and squash in a bit of fish oil, salted and seasoned the sizzling vegetables, added the shellfish clumps after Amy cleaned them from their shells. A few minutes and a generous handful of chopped wild onions and the food was ready.

We ate greedily, downing scallops, oysters, veggies, and bread alongside glasses of water. Kate and I shared a cup of island wine as well.

Keekah went down to bathe while I sat yawning next to the fire. Amy and Kate cleaned up dishes while Bailey went in to change Katie's diaper. I damped down the fire, rinsed myself off quickly, and decided to head to bed.

Bailey met me with Katie near the door to our hut. I smiled at her, said, “sleepy?”

“A bit. I need to feed Katie again before bed. Might be a bit.”

“Anything I can do?”

She shook her head. “No...” Bailey looked at me sweetly. “Was really nice today... you spending time with Katie. I loved seeing that.”

“I loved doing it, Kitten. Maybe tomorrow again, if my back is still screaming at me. Any excuse I can find to spend time with her, or you.”

I kissed Bailey quickly, then she headed back to the fire, leaving me alone to crawl into bed.

I was almost asleep when a warm body slid in beside me. My eyes flickered half-open. Amy said, “hey... room for me?”

I pulled the covers up and the sixteen-year old settled with her back against my side. I turned towards her, wrapped myself around her.

I felt the heat of her genitals against her flesh, like a raging fire on a hot summer day. I'd taken pills earlier, and was buzzed and half-asleep when she'd crawled into bed. I held her tighter, my penis for the moment not reacting.

Amy turned her head towards me, whispered, “I love you, Kal. Just want you to know that.”

“I know. Every day, I know. I love you, too.”

“Are you... too sore for me?” she asked. I wondered if she noticed my unusual lack of an erection once she pushed her ass against my groin.

“Maybe... foggy... took painkiller a bit ago. Not unwilling to try.”

Amy turned over, her hand slipping down my chest, her soft fingers drawing out goosebumps on my skin. She kissed my neck, touched my arm with delicate movements, slid down to stroke my hip and thigh.

Amy kissed her way down my stomach as I threw the sheet down to my knees. I caught a sniff of the sixteen-year old then. She was aroused, her body warm and sweaty, the aroma of wet genitals wafting slowly to hang in the still air of the hut. I inhaled, felt myself growing erect finally as Amy's mouth hovered over my length, blowing warm air kisses onto my flesh.

The teen's fingers stroked my shaft as I grew hard, her lips nearby, kissing my thighs and balls. I groaned as Amy's fist wrapped around my now-pulsing, rigid cock. She took one of my nuts between her lips, fingers shuffling up and down my shaft, then the other. Amy sucked them in gently, slathered her tongue around the sensitive flesh there, then licked her way up my dick to the tip.

She teased the head of my penis a moment, tongue slowly working over the raised flesh. Her eyes stared down at where she licked, fingers massaging my sack and sliding around my stomach.

In one movement, Amy sank my cock into her throat and held it there. I was amazed as I throbbed, the head of my penis in her throat. She didn't gag or choke, held me longer than I thought possible, using her lips and tongue to gently suck and milk me.

She pulled back, not all the way, just to the tip, took a deep breath through her nose, then slid her lips down to the base of my shaft again, letting my cock fill her mouth, precum drooling into her throat.

The sensation was amazing. Amy did it several more times, and I began to swell in her mouth. I'd have surely cum had she not pulled off of me and said quietly, “I need you inside me, Kal.”

Amy moved to one side on her hands and knees, ass in the air, legs parted, offering me her sex. I moved, gingerly, behind her, wasn't completely certain if my back would handle it. But both mind and flesh were otherwise willing, wanting, to fuck Amy, so I ran my fingers through her hair slit, found her moist, her tender folds slick and radiating heat. Her labia felt swollen, plump, her lips opened, her vagina easily penetrated with my fingers. It was almost like Amy was in heat.

My cock was soon against her vulva, sliding through the folds. The tip lodged in her vagina, and I pushed in, sinking myself in Amy's tight teen pussy in one movement. She let out a sigh, her body receiving me with pleasure. I pulled back and slid back in, out and in, out and in, Amy's grunts matching my strokes, “uuuhh... uuuhh... oohh... uuuhh...”

I ignored my back as I humped the teen, wanted to watch her face as we copulated. I pulled out, pushed her onto her back. Amy's legs parted, the smell of sex strong in the room, her labia spread wide, pubes glistening in the shadowy light. I moved over Amy, kissed her, and sank my cock into the sixteen-year old's pussy.

Amy moaned into my mouth as my body came to rest over her, our stomach's touching. I let myself throb in her cunt a moment, the tight, slippery hole so wonderful around me. Amy moved first, writhing under me, and I soon began to move in and out of her young body, precum drooling inside.

I moved up a few inches, my cock now at a sharper angle, my groin pressing down over her Mons. I felt her stiffen and tense as I ground myself against her clit while I stroked in and out of her vagina. Amy's hands went to my shoulders, and one of my hands went to her breasts, caressing her tender mounds. My cock swelled in her body.

Amy came in jerks, “uhh... uhh... UUHHH... UUUHH... OOOHH... OOHHH... Uhhhh.. uuuuuhhh...” She almost forced my penis from her clamping, dripping pussy, but I managed to stay inside her, fucking her as she came. Amy wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down on her, kissing my lips. I stroked four, more, times, firmly, and ejaculated. Semen rushed up my shaft and filled Amy's vagina in tight spurts, my body on fire but nothing mattering except unloading in my lover's body.

I lay over top of her, my cock softening, semen beginning to leak out of Amy's swollen hole around my dick. I pulled back, slid beside her. Amy closed her legs quickly, turned her back to me, and I threw an arm across her chest, lazily caressing her tits. “I love you, Amy.”

“I love you, Kal.”

And even as my muscles and back threatened to tense up and scream, I managed to get comfortable holding Amy just long enough to fade into blackness.

End of Chapter 84

Read Chapter 85